Good content marketing focuses on producing valuable content with the goal of targeting, attracting, and retaining customers. Our team will help you learn the importance of an effective content marketing strategy and ways to convert a potential customer into an existing client. Discover the three stages of a proven marketing strategy and launch a killing campaign to drive your traffic and sales through the roof. You’ll also find helpful links and top tips, as well as awesome courses and tutorials if you decide to try out our 14-day free trial.

The Importance of Content Marketing

Marketers have always used content to present and disseminate information in order to promote brands. The growth of content marketing has sped up the development of many businesses and online platforms, and it’s crucial for driving sales. You can invest thousands of dollars in the best tools, but selling something without valuable and informative content will be extremely hard.

An effective content marketing campaign will help you build a relationship with your audience and take them through a customer journey that ends with them buying your product.

Content marketing isn’t just about writing blogs or social media posts; it refers to everything you say about your product, service, or business in general. Ensure your content is powerful, convincing, and relevant to your audience, and we’ll help you design a perfect content marketing strategy.

Phases of a Winning Marketing Strategy

The IcebergBuilder team created an ideal funnel you should use to move your target audience through their customer journey toward your product or service. This journey comprises three stages:

  1. Awareness: Ensure your potential clients are aware of your service or product. 
  2. Evaluation: Help them evaluate and realize the benefits of your offer.
  3. Conversion: Convert a potential client into your existing client.


Naturally, your goal is conversion, but this phase is just as important as the first two.

Content Marketing Funnel

You must be the helping hand that guides clients through these steps. Treat your client as a student—you want them to become more informed and wiser in their choices so that they can find the best solution to their problem. Ideally, that solution is offered by you. To help you understand the process, we’ll break down these steps.


In the first stage, your client must become aware of the “problem” and discover the most suitable solution, which is your product or service. 

Create content that educates on the problem, shows its causes, or explains the severity of the problem. Empathize with your potential customers and share valuable tips on solving some parts of this problem; you don’t want to give all the info right away. Instead, find a way to grab your perfect target audience’s attention and make them want to learn more about your business.


Once your client has gained awareness of the situation, they will start evaluating their options. In this phase, you must help them evaluate the direct and indirect benefits of your product or service. Show how competent and willing you are to help them.

Create content that goes in-depth to the solution part. For instance, you may offer free lead magnets and provide super valuable content showing that you truly can solve their problems.


In the last stage, you must convince them to become your client. This is the step where you give them the most tempting features and advantages of your product. Add a special value and show why you and only you offer the right solution for their issue.

A discount, special limited-time deal, or risk-free guarantee will make your offer irresistible. And, if you need inspiration, check out our amazing content marketing examples.

Customer Journey

Bottom Line + Tips & Helpful Links

Growing an online business is stressful and requires tons of work, but creating a content marketing strategy based on our funnel and tips will help you big time. You should also check out the best content development tools and use them to produce high-quality articles and posts. If you want to design a powerful strategy for your Facebook or Instagram page, see the following posts:


Also, be sure to try out our 14-day free trial and see how we can additionally help you grow your business and boost sales. We also provide fantastic video tutorials and courses with valuable information about email marketing, eCommerce advertising platforms, lead magnet ideas, and so much more.